Saturday, September 15, 2012

Are you tolerant?

      Combating intolerance with intolerance is like trying to put out a fire with a blowtorch. Bigotry and hypocrisy go hand in hand. You are condemned for your opinions, so you strike against the condemner with talk of bigotry and ignorance; however, in saying that their opinion, though ignorant, is wrong because it doesn't coincide with yours is the act of bigotry.
     You are free to have your opinions, without that, how are you free. You can't create tolerance by condemning beliefs. Tolerance can only be created, not from the acceptance of another's beliefs or actions, but by the acceptance of the definite of differences. What do we really know? Nothing, but what we believe is factual. So, question everything, think before you speak, and condemn yourself before you turn so hastily towards another.